Wednesday 10 October 2012

[Uni project] Armouries pt. 1: Starting up

For the first project of the year, we are creating an animation for the Royal Armouries in Leeds, going through the pitching process before the final production. For this project, I'm teaming up with Jack and Will. I chose to work with these two as we all have experience in using Flash, which is the main program for this project. We each have a role that we want to get practice in with this project too, Jack has recently taken a liking to background design, and Will has taken a preference to the developing and producing aspects of animation. As for myself, I have an interest in character animation, so I'm doing the lead animation on the project. Before we broke up for summer, we were each given a booklet containing a number of briefs, we chose to meet a brief for the Royal Armouries. The brief was about arms and armour not just being made as weapons, but as decoration and awards. We found an interesting helmet to base our animation around, which I will write more about in the next entry. Below is a concept for our art and animation style, using simple characters is a big help to my character animation practice as I can focus more on the movement and shapes rather than the fine details. As for the art style, we agreed on a high contrast style with silhouetted characters. The reason behind this is that it allows us to focus the viewers attention on certain characters or objects by making them contrast more against everything else.

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